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Alcroft and Tollesbury herds win top honours at South Suffolk Show

Writer's picture: BWCSBWCS

Kicking off the British White breed classes for the first proper show season since 2019, South Suffolk Show was held in glorious weather on Sunday 8th May and attracted an absolutely enormous audience of show-goers flocking to the showground.

Society members were also certainly glad to be back at the event with the opportunity to show their animals to the public and to catch up with fellow cattle breeders. The task of judging the British White section was undertaken by Paul Pennington, owner of the Oldington herd in Shropshire, who commented that the exhibitors had put forward an excellent group of cattle and made his job very difficult indeed!

Breed Champion was the 2020-born bull class winner Alcroft Gunslinger from Miss S Cook, Cambridgeshire, awarded the Parkers Bros. Challenge Trophy for the Male Championship and the Clark & Butcher Challenge Cup for Breed Champion. The Reserve Male Championship went to Tollesbury Sir Pellinore from Dr V St Joseph, Essex, winner of the junior bull class.

Male and Breed Champion Alcroft Gunslinger
Reserve Male Champion Tollesbury Sir Pellinore

The Reserve Breed Champion on the day came from the female classes; senior heifer Alcroft Glory, also from Miss S Cook, was the winner of the Beachern Trophy for Best Heifer as well as the Cresswell Challenge Shield for Female Champion. Awarded the Reserve Female Championship was the superb 5-year-old cow Tollesbury Peach from Dr V St Joseph, Essex, shown with her bull calf at foot.

Female and Reserve Breed Champion Alcroft Glory
Reserve Female Champion Tollesbury Peach


Date: Saturday 8th May 2022

Judge: Mr P Pennington, Shropshire

Breed Champion, Male Champion Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook

Reserve Breed Champion, Female Champion, Best Heifer Alcroft Glory, Miss S Cook

Reserve Male Champion Tollesbury Sir Pellinore, Dr V St Joseph

Reserve Female Champion Tollesbury Peach, Dr V St Joseph

Junior Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2021 1st Tollesbury Pistachio, Dr V St Joseph; 2nd Fromus Farthing, Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust

Senior Heifer, born in 2020 1st Alcroft Glory, Miss S Cook; 2nd Albany Octavia, Mr L Cook

Beachern Trophy for Best Heifer Alcroft Glory, Miss S Cook

Cow, born on or before 31st December 2019 1st Tollesbury Peach, Dr V St Joseph

Cresswell Challenge Shield for Female Champion Alcroft Glory, Miss S Cook

Junior Bull, born on or after 1st January 2021 1st Tollesbury Sir Pellinore, Dr V St Joseph

Senior Bull, born in 2020 1st Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook; 2nd Fromus Reuben (R), Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust

Parker Bros. Challenge Trophy for Male Champion Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook

Clark & Butcher Cup for Breed Champion Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook


Photography by Frances Cook


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