The sun shone on the British White breed classes at the Royal Norfolk Show near Norwich on 29th June, as exhibitors took to the ring for another competitive day’s showing. On this occasion it was the five-year-old breeding cow Tollesbury Peach with her third calf at foot, owned and bred by Vivien St Joseph, Essex, who rose to the top and was selected by judge Brian Palmer as his Breed Champion exhibit.

Standing in reserve was the two-year-old winner of the senior bull class and the Male Championship, Alcroft Gunslinger from Sarah Cook, Cambridgeshire. Woodbastwick Babycham from Rotac Farms, Norfolk, triumphed in a strong junior heifer class and was also awarded the Junior and Reserve Female Championships, along with the prize for best animal bred in the county of Norfolk.

Reserve Champion in the male section was Fromus Mac, owned by Philip Baskett, Suffolk, and bred by the Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust.

Date 29th June 2022
Judge Mr B Palmer, Somerset
Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2021 1st Woodbastwick Babycham, Rotac Farms; 2nd Woodbastwick Allirog, Rotac Farms; 3rd Tollesbury Pistachio, Dr V St Joseph; 4th Tollesbury Coconut, Dr V St Joseph; 5th Highvale Lola, Mr M Elliott; 6th Fromus Farthing, Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust
Heifer, born in 2020 1st Alcroft Glory, Miss S Cook; 2nd Albany Octavia, Mr L Cook
Cow, in calf or with calf at foot, born on or before 31st December 2019 1st Tollesbury Peach, Dr V St Joseph; 2nd Alcroft Wallflower 4, Miss S Cook
Female Champion Tollesbury Peach, Dr V St Joseph; Reserve Woodbastwick Babycham, Rotac Farms
Bull, born on or after 1st January 2021 1st Highvale Camelot, Mr M Elliott
Bull, born on or before 31st December 2020 1st Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook; 2nd Fromus Mac, Mr P Baskett; 3rd Fromus Reuben (R), Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust
Male Champion Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook; Reserve Fromus Mac, Mr P Baskett
Breed Champion Tollesbury Peach, Dr V St Joseph; Reserve Alcroft Gunslinger, Miss S Cook
Junior Champion Woodbastwick Babycham, Rotac Farms
Best Animal bred in the County of Norfolk Woodbastwick Babycham, Rotac Farms